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Anxiety is a very uncomfortable feeling and can occur in various forms. Sometimes a general nervousness is felt which can seem permanent or can come and go. Often, a specific situation will trigger the feeling. Other forms of anxiety are (a) phobias which cause a person to fear specific situations such as flying or driving, going out or being closed in, or (b) obsessions, characterized by a person’s obsessive, distressing, intrusive thoughts and related tasks or “rituals” that attempt to neutralize the obsessions. These can be strong enough to be debilitating. So much so that some people with phobias are severely crippled in their attempts to live life.

Some of the physical signs of anxiety are sweaty palms, palpitations or outright panic, known as a panic attack or anxiety attack. Usually people with a history of anxiety, especially panic states, have learned to avoid situations which tend to trigger the feeling and can lead quite restricted lives as a result.

Therapy can be a very helpful anxiety treatment for those suffering from anxiety and related disorders such as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

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